We are excited to announce that we will be sponsoring the upcoming Retail NI High Street Heroes Awards!
For the third year running, Retail NI and the Irish News, supported by Camelot and Translink, are conducting an online public vote to seek out shoppers' favourite independent and high street retailers.
The awards aim to highlight the immense contribution of independent retailers to their local community and economy and are a great opportunity for the public to get behind local businesses, from small corner shops to well-stocked, busy retailers.
There are 12 categories including; fashion, deli, homeware, off-licence and coffee shop amongst others. At Mash Direct we're proud to be sponsoring the award for 'Overall Independent Retailer,' which will celebrate the public's most favoured independent retailer - an impressive accolade given the pressures of the last year.
Voting formally opens this Sunday 4th July on 'Independents Day,' a campaign that exists to support and promote independent retail businesses, however, to celebrate the launch of the awards early voting is open from today, Wednesday 30th June!
To cast your vote visit irishnews/com/heroes
Voting closes at midnight on Friday 30th July and winners will be announced exclusively in the Irish News on Tuesday 3rd August.