This year, we brought in some help to encourage children to eat their vegetables! Rudolph and his friends can help teach children the benefits of eating your vegetables, as their carrots help them to see in the dark and give them the energy to get through this busy Christmas period. We decided to ask them to ‘taste test’ our Farm Fresh Carrots for their stamp of approval.
We invited Santa’s reindeer to our Family Farm to try our Farm Fresh Carrots…and they loved them! We aim to encourage more children to eat Veg this Christmas, by highlighting the nutritional benefits, as well as reminding them to leave a crunchy carrot and glass of milk out for Santa and his Reindeer. Keep a look out for our ‘Taste Tested by Rudolph’ stickers on packs, as well as images on our social media of the reindeer eating our heritage carrots.
Vegetable consumption in the UK is declining year-on-year, especially amongst children. We are hoping to correct this issue by taking the time and hassle out of preparing the vegetables, making mealtimes easier for parents. It’s also important to us that we are providing healthy vegetable dishes that are free from artificial nasties for all the family.
With Christmas around the corner, our veg intake can drop even more as carrots and spuds are replaced with pigs in blankets and candy canes. Busy festive schedules also means there is less time available for meal prep. With this in mind, we want to encourage children to eat more vegetables and help combat obesity. We are one of the biggest advocates of vegetables and have the ability (and perfect recipes) to help children love eating veg.
This is our first effort to increase vegetable consumption with children and we have more exciting plans for January so make sure to stay up to date via our social media platforms and website to see what we have planned for 2019.
See our video from when the Reindeer visited the farm here.