Dads everywhere do an amazing job raising their little monsters and providing various services including operating as a bank and personal taxi. And the job doesn’t just end at 18 but carries on a lifetime with duties morphing into babysitting the grandchildren amongst others.
Father’s Day comes around once a year to celebrate these otherwise unsung heroes and so we decided to give away an extra special prize for one lucky Dad this year.
We asked our mashfans to simply like and share our competition on Facebook and post a comment underneath it with their Dad’s name for a chance to win a Mash Direct hamper packed full of goodies AND an Ireland shirt which was donated and signed by local rugby star and father himself, Rory Best.
Matt Walsh was the lucky winner of this special prize and kindly sent us the photo below of his Dad Steve wearing his new prized possession along with all the Mash Direct goodies he received as part of his prize hamper. Doesn’t he look like a happy pappy!!
We love to put a smile on our mashfans faces so always keep a look out on our Facebook and Twitter pages as well as the website for competitions and giveaways.