News : Marketing

Finalists in the Ulster Grocer Awards 2021

12th August 2021

We are delighted to announce our Head of Marketing Clare Forster and our Assistant Marketing…

Sponsors of the Retail NI High Street Heroes Awards

30th June 2021

We are excited to announce that we will be sponsoring the upcoming Retail NI High…

Mash Direct Championships Judge #4

28th August 2020

We're pleased to announce that our next Mash Direct Sports Championship judge is...



Mash Direct Championships Judge #3

28th August 2020

We're pleased to announce that our next Mash Direct Sports Championship judge is...



Mash Direct Championships Judge #2

13th August 2020

We're pleased to announce that our next Mash Direct Sports Championship judge is...



Mash Direct Championships Judge #1

10th August 2020

We're pleased to announce our first Mash Direct Sports Championship judge as...



Mad about mash.

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