Mash Direct Goes Green for St. Patrick’s Day
We set ourselves a New Year’s Resolution to go green by St. Patrick’s Day and we have achieved our goal. Mash Direct are now selling our award-winning vegetable and potato side dishes in 100% recyclable trays following a complete overhaul of our packaging.
Our range has been transformed and will hit the stores on St. Patrick’s Day with a fresh green start. They will be sold in green or clear plastic trays which are fully recyclable as opposed to the previously used black trays. These cannot be sorted by optical sorting systems used in plastic recycling and as a result, black plastic packaging commonly ends up as residue and ends up in landfill. By moving over to green and clear trays we will be removing over 240 tonnes of black plastic from the food system every year!
Being six generation farmers, we feel attached to the land we farm and we recognise the responsibility within the agri-food sector to protect the environment. A recycling sticker will feature on our packs with an additional message on our sleeves encouraging consumers to recycle and to increase consumers’ awareness of this plastic waste epidemic. We hope that our efforts coupled with the rest of the food and drink sector will set in motion new ways to make the food and drink industry more sustainable.
Chief Operating Officer at Mash Direct, Jack Hamilton said, “Black plastic is one of the most problematic forms of plastic and we feel very proud to have achieved our target to remove it from our packaging. This demonstrates our commitment to sustainability and we hope to continue to lead the ready-meal sector in implementing ambitious measures which will reduce our overall impact on the environment.”