After the LegenDerry Food Festival won the ‘Best NI Food Event’ at the NI Year of Food and Drink Awards, we couldn’t wait to return for this years event!
The 3 day food festival in the Guildhall Square, formed part of this years St. Patrick’s Day Spring Carnival celebrations, bringing together Northern Ireland finest chefs, food producers and street vendors along with music, street theatre and loads of craic!
Over the three days we handed out 1000’s of samples of our farm fresh veg, introducing consumers to some of our new products and reminding them of our classics. As it was St. Patrick’s Day we brought our crock of golden spuds along, allowing people to pick a golden spud at random to WIN prizes.
We had the pleasure of watching local celebrity chefs Brian Turner, Jenny Bristow, Paula McIntyre, Brian McDermott and Ian Orr cooking up a storm in the marquee. Turning the best Northern Irish produce into delicious dishes for the crowds to taste.
Check out some pictures below or for our video from this year's Food Festival, click here.
For more information on the LegenDerry Food Festival, click here.