The lovely Allison Abernethy from Abernethy Butter has been helping out as one of our Dragons visiting schools across County Down as part of the Junior Entrepreneur Programme.
Find out a little more about how Allison and her hubby Will Abernethy started their business below.
Name: Allison Abernethy
Company name: Abernethy Butter
Website address: www.abernethybuttercompany.com
Tell us about your business:
We make handmade butter using traditional methods of years gone by. We also make fudge from the butter.
Where did the idea come from for your business?
My dad made butter on his farm and did demonstrations at country shows. People loved the butter and we thought we would try and make a business out of it.
How did you start your business? We made butter at shows and everyone loved it so we started making it on our farm and now we make ¾ ton butter a month by hand.
What was your first job?
I was a Nurse for 32 years
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
When people say “ I love your butter. It’s the best butter ever”
What is your favourite thing about being an entrepreneur?
Meeting people and other entrepreneurs.
What advice would you give to aspiring young entrepreneurs?
Be prepared to work hard and long hours but it is so worth it when your business is a success. Be happy.