This week we have been visiting primary schools across County Down who are participating in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme in association with us friendly bunch at Mash Direct. As part of JEP pupils have been using their creativity to come up with individual business ideas, presenting them before a panel of dragons, comprising of the Mash crew and local business men and women. Hear from one of our local Dragons below!
Dragon Focus
Name: Mark McConville
Company name: Priory Press Packaging
Website address: www.priorypresspackaging.co.uk
Tell us about your business:
We design and create bespoke packaging solutions for the consumer food sector, health and beauty sector and some medical products.
Where did the idea come from for your business?
We were asked by a chap called Martin Hamilton to produce some sticky labels for some mashed vegetable products he was going to sell in convenience stores… one thing led to another and we grew our business with his.
How did you start your business?
It was a small printing company started by my father 40 years ago.
What is your favourite thing about being an entrepreneur?
You can make things happen and take your own decisions.
Which famous entrepreneur do you most admire and why?
Henry Ford. He saw an idea and made it possible for an entire planet full of people to afford their own car by simply inventing the production line.
What advice would you give to aspiring young entrepreneurs?
See the opportunity first. Work out what you want to achieve. Be prepared to work very, very hard to get there. And then work some more. Take educated risks. Take good advice. Trust your heart.
You can find out more about JEP here.