The Mash Direct bus will be paying a visit to Moneyrea Primary School's P4 class this week.
Jake Daly from Moneyrea Primary School was the lucky winner of our competition to have our bus visit his class to talk about healthy food, the vegetables we grow and life on our farm in Comber.
We received lots of entries for the competition and the judges at Mash Direct and NI 4 Kids were very impressed by the quality of the entries and delighted that the children knew so much about Mash Direct. The judges found it very hard to pick a winner but Jake's interest in farming and the process of making the mash was enough to win it for his school. Visit our Facebook page to see the photos of the visit.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the children for entering the competition. Please look out for other competitions on our website, Facebook page and NI 4 Kids in the future.