Jack Hamilton receives Covid-19 Response Frontline Hero – Business in the Community at Irish Quality Food Awards 2020
We are delighted to announce that our COO, Jack Hamilton has been awarded the ‘Covid-19 Response Frontline Hero – Business in the Community’ at the Irish Quality Food Awards 2020. Jack was shortlisted for the Award based on his ability as a resilient leader and his quick and efficient attitude to adapting to changes as a result of Covid-19.
Jack was rewarded for leading his business in helping the local community with food donation schemes; providing a direct to home vegetable delivery service; donation of over 3000 food parcels to NHS workers; getting behind a campaign to assist hospitality by providing restaurant vouchers to spend in local restaurants and for offering temporary employment to 30 local people.
“This award is not for me; it is a testament to the incredible work of all the team at Mash Direct and I am just delighted to accept it on their behalf.” said Jack on receiving news of the award. “It was imperative that all of us remained agile during this crazy, unpredictable year and consider ways that we could assist the community that have been so good in supporting us over all these years, that was our real motivation”.
The Irish Quality Food Awards celebrate excellence in people and projects in the Irish food and drink industry in Ireland. Categories include; Best Initiative by a Foodservice Provider, Own Label Range of the Year, Rising Star Award and Supplier of the Year. For 2020, the awards included two Covid-19 specific categories to highlight the excellent work which has taken place during this difficult time.
Well Done Jack!