We have formed a five person #MashTeam to tackle this year's Belfast City Marathon on Monday 2nd May 2016! The team is made up of Mash Direct employees Clare Forster, Jenny Patton, Elaine Steed, Paul Armstrong and Gary Armstrong. They will be running in aid of Mencap, a charity close to our hearts, as both Lance & Tracy Hamilton sit on the Mencap Northern Ireland board.
As their big run is only 1 week away, we took the opportunity to interview three of the #MashTeam’s top athletes Gary Armstrong, Clare Forster and Jenny Patton… to get their perspective on everything from training to running tunes!
To make a donation to the team in aid of Mencap click here.
Gary Armstrong -
Is this your first time doing the Belfast City Marathon relay?
No, I have done it a couple of times before and swore I would never do it again from memory.
What is your favourite running song?
Foo Fighters – Walk or DOA
OR: Ray LaMontagne – Trouble
I find these songs really speak to me when I’m running.
What is your ideal pre & post running meal?
PRE-RUNNING: Weetabix and Milk
POST-RUNNING: Something and Chips
What training have you been doing for the marathon relay?
A couple of runs but mainly concentrating on gradually upping my hoovering and dusting program at home. Think I have worked out how to use the hoover now. Into the last two weeks though and I’ll give that up completely and just start carbing up.
What tip would you give to new runners?
Start with the trainers and make sure they look fresh and snappy, even if they don’t provide much support when running. Take it from me … It’s all about looking good!
Clare Forster -
Is this your first time doing the Belfast City Marathon relay?
Yes, however I am an active runner and member of East Down Athletics Club and often participate in 10k’s. I am delighted to be running on behalf of Mash Direct and supporting a worthy cause Mencap. I just hope my fellow runners can keep up with the pace lol.
What is your favourite running song?
Oh, I don’t tend to listen to music a lot because I run with club members and am always talking, sometimes they might prefer to listen to music than me. When I run on my own I do like to listen to the following:
Thunderstruck, by AC/DC
Eye of the Tiger, by Survivor
Don’t Stop Me Now, Queen
Florence and the Machine, Dog Days are Over
Uptown Funk, Mark Ronaldson and Bruno Mars
What is your ideal pre & post running meal?
Pre Running Meal -
The night before carbs, pasta and some protein, the morning of the race I think I have it down to a t now, porridge with honey, some water to rehydrate and half a cup of coffee.
Post Running Meal -
Fill up on lots of sugar and caffeine. Love tucking into buns, cakes, a few sandwiches and a good cuppa.
What training have you been doing for the marathon relay?
I am currently training for a half marathon and have ran a few 10ks so hopefully that will help with the preparation for the marathon, however I don’t think there will be any pb’s.
What tip would you give to new runners?
Make sure you invest in a good pair of trainers, they are key.
Build up miles gradually to ensure you are not prone to injury.
Enjoy it, it helps you destress and the fresh air is great!
Jenny Patton -
Is this your first time doing the Belfast City Marathon relay?
No, I have done the same leg of the marathon before – it’s the glory leg and I need all the help at the finish line to keep me going!
What is your favourite running song?
Any good dance tracks to keep the momentum and drown out the noise of my own panting but I find my mind often wonders back to some advice from one of my favourite movies, Finding Nemo. To paraphrase Dory, “Just keep running, just keep running…”
What is your ideal pre & post running meal?
Pre: Porridge with honey and a banana for breakfast and a chocolate biscuit 10 mins before starting.
Post: My favourite is a fillet steak with sautéed mushrooms, tomatoes and avocado and some parmentier potatoes - YUM!
What training have you been doing for the marathon relay?
I’m not the best at sticking to a training programme, especially if it’s something as boring as going for a run on my own, so I forced myself to join a 4-week intensive Beginner to 10k course which conveniently finishes 1 week before the marathon. So far I have managed to keep up with the group and have enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would and learnt a lot in the process!
What tip would you give to new runners?
The hardest bit for me is actually starting so my advice would be to just get out there and do it. Running is just falling forward in style (see Gary Armstrong for style advice).