In honour of the Commonwealth Games we decided to hold our very own Mash Games at Mash HQ.
Competitors Sam ‘The Man’ Hamilton, Gary ‘The POWER-Snip’ Armstrong, Lance ‘In with a Chance/No Chance’ Hamilton and Paul ‘Arms’ Armstrong went head to head in three heavily fought events; the spud and spoon race, sack race and wellie boot toss! No training whatsoever went into these events and well, really it showed!
Unfortunately the Mash Games were brought into disrepute when Sam ‘The Man’ Hamilton was caught deploying underhand tactics in the first race. The ‘Sticky Spud’ strategy involved Velcro-ing the potato to the spoon. He tried to claim that this was simply using his initiative. The Judges declined to comment or disqualify him as he still failed to win the race despite his ingenious (not so) masterful plan. The Spud and Spoon race glory fell upon Lance ‘In With a Chance’ Hamilton. This glory was however short lived as the rest of his performances waned dramatically.
More controversy ensued when Paul ‘Arms’ Armstrong was unfairly forgotten about in the awards ceremony and the Sack Race Certificate was accidentally awarded to Sam who graciously accepted the award instead. Paul is still smarting from this injustice and we fear we may hear about it for a loooooong time to come.
The Wellie Boot Toss was nothing short of an embarrassment as most were tossed offside into the field next door despite two valiant attempts by Gary ‘the POWER-Snip’ Armstrong.
All-in-all we had a brilliant day’s craic but have decided to admit defeat and leave the organising of and participation in major sporting events to the experts. As a special closing ceremony a BBQ was held and enjoyed by all. Our new Vegetable Burgers were a particular favourite among competitors and spectators alike!
See some snaps of the Mighty Mash Games as well as the video highlights.
Until four years time...